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IB Recruitment 2013 Apply online for 750 ACIO Vacancies


IB Recruiting 2013-Apply online for 750 Vacancies: Intelligence Bureau (IB)inviting online application for recruiting of assistant central intelligence officer grade ll vacancies. Eligible candidates may apply online from 13-07-2013  to 12-08-2013.

IB Vacancies Details:
Total No of Posts: 750

Name of the post:
Assistant Central Intelligence Officer, Grade-II/Executive

Age limit:
 18-27 years
Upper age limit is relax able by 5 years for SC/ST and by 3 years for OBC candidates. Upper age limit is also relax able for Departmental Candidates with 3 years continuous service, upto 40 years and also certain other categories in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by Central Government from time to time. 

Education Qualification: Candidate should posses Graduation or Equalling from Recognized university with knowledge of computer.

Selection Process: Candidates are selected based on written test (paper 1&2) by interviewer
Application Fee: Rs. 100/- (Rupees Hundred only). Only male candidates belonging to General and OBC category are required to pay the fee. All SC/ST and female candidates are exempted from payment of examination fee.

Online Mode: (Internet Banking and ATM-Cum-Debit Card): The applicants having internet banking facility of State Bank of India or having ATM-cum-Debit card of State Bank of India can pay the fee online. Once the online payment option is selected by the applicant, he/she would be automatically guided to the website of State Bank of India and after paying the fee through a user friendly interface, he/she would be guided back to the registration form/website and a confirmation is immediately flashed regarding receipt of payment.

Offline Mode: In this option, the applicant will be required to take a printout of Challan form (wherein name of the applicant and his/her Registration number will be printed) and deposit the fee in cash in any branch of State Bank of India after a gap of one working day. A counterfoil of this Challan would be given back to the candidate by the bank, indicating the transaction ID, which may be retained by the candidates.
How To  Apply: Candidate my apply online through website www.mha.nic.in  from 13/may to12/aug/2013

Instruction to apply online:
-While filling in the online application form, the applicant should carefully decide about his/her choice of examination center.

-Examination center once opted will not be changed under any circumstances.

-Applications received from a candidate for more than one Examination Center would be rejected

Important Dates:
Opening Date for online registration: 13/07/2013
Opening Date for online registration: 12/08/2013
Download Admit cards: 21/08/2013
Exam date: 10/09/2013
Result s announcement:  31/10/2013
Interview Schedule: 16/11/2013 to 23/11/2013

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