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How to maintan Person Life and work life (Professional life)

 Today I am going to tell you difference between and how to maintain personal life and professional life (Work life)

how to maintain personal life and professional life

1.Many Persons sacrificing their personal life for professional life.

2.Very few persons balance their professional and person life.

3.Few Personals only give priority for professional only

4.Some persons give their entire life for work.

 Career balance completely depend upon his life style, and his family background.  

There were many cases are depends on their background life, runs their life, few persons want get out of job and peaceful life, because of responsibilities they cannot quit their job.

we have to balance your life with following things

1. Spend your earnings properly.

2. You have to properly set your professional career.

3. Invest your money on insurance, lands.

4. Never invest on stock market with out proper knowledge, you have to practice, and do market proper market research before entering stock market.

5. Try spend quality time with your family, Family relations are more important.

6. Always maintain good relations with your family,friends and Co-luges.

7. Earning are more important for your kids life. save money four kids education and career growth.

Note: These are the most important and key things every one follow in their life. 

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